Call your air conditioning experts on 0419 502 376


Our Cooling Systems in Campbellfield

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Peter Ross Enterprises is here to help with all your workplace cooling needs. Whether you operate a big factory and need a big cooling system or need portable cooling units for your worksite, we’ve got you covered. 
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Types Of Cooling Units

Our types of cooling units are two basic classes of cooling systems:

  • Large cooling systems: Our larger units are ideal for big spaces, up to 300 square metres, perfect for big workplace areas. These big cooling systems are also portable, easy to place anywhere in your workplace environment. 
  • Smaller cooling systems: These systems (see our QUIETCOOL range) are designed for placement in smaller environments, and are very easy to manage. Whether you have a basic office space or a diversified work space with multiple environments, they’re a great choice. 

Right System, Right Environment

Depending on your workspace, you can choose an evaporative cooling system to suit your needs, for example:

  • Warehouses: Larger spaces can be cooled with a single large cooling system. You can also choose an “over capacity” unit which will deliver efficient cooling for a larger space, covering all the angles in hot weather or in a naturally hot operational environment, like a manufacturing business. 
  • Nurseries and greenhouses: A medium size unit will do for a large greenhouse space, reducing the humidity effects of plant transpiration, and providing a more comfortable environment. 

Talk To Us! 

For all the help and practical advice you need, just call us. We’re happy to advise and deliver the perfect cooling system for your needs. 

Call your warehouse cooling system team on 0419 502 376

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